Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wanna Date an Aquarius?

Thinking of making a date with a Water Bearer? It’s hardly surprising that you’ve got one on the brain – the creative intelligence of Aquarians is bound to captivate and inspire. But if simple and straightforward spell a good time for you, turn back now! The Aquarian soul is steeped in originality and contradiction. Read on to discover if this spirited free spirit is for you.

Aquarius in mind
Often mistaken for their watery cousins, Aquarius is actually an air sign. And much like the winds bring a dreamy drizzle or a torrential downpour, they have the ability to dazzle or decimate with that powerful intellect.

That’s not to say you should avoid a good debate. The Water Bearer is not only charmingly inquisitive, they are committed to being fair-minded and are notoriously tolerant of different viewpoints. Occasionally, however, their powerful conviction will get the best of them despite their best efforts to be objective. Should you wind up on the wrong side of an argument, watch out! Those persuasive powers are a force of nature, and you could find yourself back-peddling before you get a word in! Fortunately, the Aquarian reverence for truth means they have the admirable ability to admit wrong… but only when it’s been adequately proved.

Aquarius in action
Even if they’re not brainiacs, Aquarians tend to be cerebral and analytical. Yet they are likely to harbor a strong artistic streak, maybe even to the extent of eccentricity. They might be an accountant by trade, but don’t be surprised to find them an avid painter or amateur film-maker. That could mean hours of stimulating conversation about the arts, but probably doesn’t presuppose artistic corroboration. Aquarians are not always eager to share their work. Vulnerability is difficult for this independent sign, and the sharing of anything personal takes time.

Aquarians are also devoted humanitarians seriously interested in the improvement of the lives of others. But even their people-oriented energies can be a contradiction. Your Aquarian may disappear for hours, days, even years into their latest cause. Make no mistake, they are sincerely compassionate, but their compassion fuels ideas and projects, rather than personal relationships. The way to that Aquarian heart is through their head. If you really want to get close, share an interest in their cause or their heart, and they won’t be able to stay away.

Aquarius in bed
The Water Bearer’s overactive mind never stops churning. While those busy brains are adept at orchestrating an imaginative love life, they can also make for lovers who have trouble letting go of their heads and reveling in their bodies. Be patient when drawing out the Aquarian passion. Foster a safe, yet impulsive atmosphere, and let them know their imagination can roam free.

Aquarius in love
Don’t let that good will fool you. The Aquarian is somewhat out of their element when it comes to emotions. They are wary of intimacy and may sometimes need to retreat. Don’t mistake their distance for disinterest – Aquarians crave space and freedom, and nothing can prompt them to open up before they’re ready.

This one can be slow to warm to you, but once they do, your Aquarius will love you with the same strength of will that fuels their convictions and creative pursuits. Be patient, and you won’t be disappointed.

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