Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly horoscope 23.03 - 29.03.2015.

Everyday Life / Profession:
This week begins with a Taurus Moon. Together with Venus in Taurus, it shows a need for calmness and stability after all of the turmoil. Ever since the weekend, the Sun has been in fiery Aries and actually is not ready to allow peace and quiet; but Saturn will put it on the right track. Mars in Aries is still very active, but also needs a bit of guidance so that its intensely desiring energies can be invested in something meaningful and useful – something that serves life, which is what Jupiter in Leo wants. If you do not agree with the current changes, this may be because you are now thinking that you have gotten off lightly once again. But this process of change cannot be stopped. The Sun is heading for the Uranus-Pluto square. When Mars reaches the sign of Taurus, its actions will be even more tangible as a result.
Partnership / Love:
With the Taurus Moon and Venus in Taurus, you now have a sense of certainty. Your love life is no longer just reveries, but also exciting experiences (Venus-Jupiter). The experiences will now get more and more under your skin. This requires courage, which is contributed by the planets in Aries, as well as the desire for encounters (Gemini Moon) and closeness (Cancer Moon). The week ends with the Leo Moon and Venus in connection with Pluto. Things get increasingly passionate!
Everyday Life / Profession:
After the latest developments, Venus and the Moon in Taurus express the need to collect yourself, look at what you have achieved, and also enjoy this a bit. And Saturn in Sagittarius actually seems to give the Aries Sun a little time to become aware of the dimensions that the current events have. You are not dealing with rash actions but the result of a struggle that has gone on for years. This week’s birthday children take Saturn, Venus in Taurus, and Mercury in Pisces into the new year of life with them as factors of prudence and patience. Some people will be amazed at the otherwise quite tempestuous Aries born in the first decades. You will now achieve your goals with a minimum of effort. That this now requires less effort than before could also be because you are limiting yourself to what is essential.
Partnership / Love:
No clear goal? Quite the contrary…. Everything has now become very clear. If it was up to you, things could go on like this for half of eternity. This half of eternity refers to at least and not less than this one week. Turbulence is preprogrammed when you are overcome by passion (starting on Sunday). But this should mostly be pleasant turbulence.
Everyday Life / Profession:
This week begins with the Taurus Moon. Take another look in the mirror! Who do you see? Do you see your beauty (Venus in Taurus), your good taste, your good nature, your peacefulness, and your serenity? Perhaps you can also recognize your rational mind, your down-to-earthness, your sense of reality, and your sense of quality… Acknowledge yourself and your good traits. Give yourself a compliment! If you are good at this, you will suddenly also receive compliments that you had not reckoned with from other people. After all, other people are your mirror! Venus moves into tension with Jupiter, so feel free to turn the wheel of fortune for once. This could be your new path: You take your happiness into your own hands.
Partnership / Love:
Venus in Taurus has a connection with Neptune. During the second half of the week, it enters into one with Jupiter. These are definitely constellations that promise happiness! You do not have to do anything but like yourself (and do whatever you feel is part of liking yourself so that you have a well-groomed appearance). The rest happens completely on its own, as if by magic - but perhaps not until next week. In any case, you should already prepare yourself for this now.
Everyday Life / Profession:
Mercury, which is now passing by Chiron in Pisces, brings to mind the weaknesses that you have now become aware of, the wounds that must be healed, or the prayers that should be heard. The solar eclipse has left behind its traces and allowed you to arrive in reality (Moon and Venus in Taurus). Reality always lags a bit behind the dreams, which could be because of the dreams. In your case, these were or still are especially idealistic. Saturn is in opposition to the sign of Gemini. On the one hand, Saturn shows you the boundaries of what is possible. On the other hand, it indicates the concrete possibilities that you may not even perceive sometimes. When you look more closely, your situation is constantly improving, and when the Moon reaches the middle of Gemini during the middle of the week, you will already see everything in a different light.
Partnership / Love:
"What is the quickest path to love? – Gratitude." You should accept this advice from Marci Shimoff. If necessary, make a list of all the things that you can be thankful for. Once you have started this list, you will see how quickly it grows! You will become more aware of what you actually are thankful for! (Venus-Jupiter)
Everyday Life / Profession:
You have crossed the threshold, but now still have some difficulty in assuming the new position. You do it carefully and discover: The ground supports you! You become more secure and realize that it is suddenly not all that important to reach somewhere at the top. The cozy spot next to the fireplace would also be a good choice… But now that you are already where you wanted to be, you should fulfill the related tasks with a sense of obligation. You need a few days to settle in. Concentrate on what you enjoy and what corresponds with your talents. Jupiter in Leo would like to express your creativity, and three planets in Aries ensure that the process moves forward.
Partnership / Love:
Do you want more time for closeness and coziness? What speaks against it? That you no longer have a private life? Then you must make sure that you once again have one. What would happen if you demand more of a private life? You need a private relationship for your inner balance and spiritual well-being. If necessary, you must fight for it!
Everyday Life / Profession:
You now get the opportunity to present yourself to the world and do it in your accustomed way, which corresponds with your customary behavior pattern. However, you have just crossed a threshold here and should now do everything differently… You seem to still need a couple of days to reorganize yourself. The Sun must first reach Uranus so that you can take on your new role. Jupiter in Leo supports this process. Give yourself this week to get re-oriented and arrive in the new era. This is ultimately not just a new week but a new stage of your life. It involves the implementation of what the seven Uranus-Pluto squares have demanded step by step over the past three years.
Partnership / Love:
Your private relationship is where you can best comprehend the changing of the times. You intensely sense when things simply cannot continue as before – or when you know exactly why you cling to your relationship and have not run away from it already long ago. You may be fluctuating between the extremes because this is actually a real time of transition. Something must change.
Everyday Life / Profession:
You have the seventh and last Uranus-Pluto square, as well as a solar eclipse, behind you now. This is the time to take a deep breath and get an overview of things. Can you detect progress? Or has your situation gotten worse? On the first two days of this week, you will be inclined to not want any further changes (Taurus Moon), but the Gemini Moon invites you to see things in a different light. This may even succeed on Thursday. On Friday, the Cancer Moon will once again make you careful and reserved. You need to digest and process the changes before you can take the next step. Allow yourself time!
Partnership / Love:
Venus and Neptune are in a favorable connection at the start of the week. Love, peace, and harmony? The Taurus Moon believes that things should not be rushed now. But Mercury must wander past Chiron, where the sore point is addressed once again. How sore is this point still? Can you forget and forgive so that you can finally let things be? That would be healing. The constellations would agree with establishing peace. On the weekend, you will see whether you have been successful.
Everyday Life / Profession:
The planets show how much you orient your actions to the beloved people around you and repeatedly adapt them when necessary. In the process, you must make sure that you do not have angry outbursts - as has already happened on more than one occasion. Would it be possible for you to be somewhat more honest and direct to spare yourself of the eternal misunderstandings? Mars in Aries has already been demanding this for the past four weeks. Uranus has done so for a few years (!), and now the Aries Sun would also like to give you this option. Mercury encounters Chiron, which knows how easy it is to get hurt… Would you perhaps also like to wait for Mercury to enter Aries? As you like! But it may be that Mercury is offering the opportunity for you to overcome your reserve (fear) right now. Wednesday will offer a constellation for overcoming fear (Sun-Saturn with the Moon in Gemini).
Partnership / Love:
For a Libra, love is when two people get it together time and again. You actually dream of perfect harmony. But since this does not exist, a mutual struggle for harmony is on the agenda. In a relationship that is constantly in motion, you at least do not come with any ideas of mischief since you want to fix this relationship and are quite busy in the process.
Everyday Life / Profession:
You distinguish yourself with a special degree of courage at this time. The role of the hero/heroine fits you well. You not only have this dynamic side but also one that is very sensitive. Be sure not to let the latter become shortchanged. Take it along on your journey to success. Show yourself from your human side. No one should believe that you are unassailable, and no one even wants to attack you. Quite to the contrary: With Venus in Taurus, Scorpio is now faced with an offer of peace. This offer of peace is meant to be taken seriously. So put away your weapons. Instead, use your energy for something meaningful that serves the community. You probably will not discover until sometime later that it also serves you in the end.
Partnership / Love:
The Sun has reached the sign of Aries. This can be translated as "courage that comes from the heart." You are allowed to show how you feel! Saturn in Sagittarius supports the Aries Sun and gives you a sense of security. You only become aware of how vulnerable you are when you openly show your affection. This awareness should not stop you from doing so. You should feel free to risk it!
Everyday Life / Profession:
The seventh and last Uranus-Pluto square became exact last week. You may know that this constellation is related to the start of student activism in the Sixties(especially 1968). If you set your mental horizon widely enough, it becomes clear that an upheaval is underway and that it is now possible to name and tackle the topics, as well as the weak points. Mercury in Pisces thinks universally, beyond your personal frame of reference. The Aries Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius show your personal interest in social topics. You are searching for your place in the current events and have long assumed it with everything that you are and do. You are having your personal experience of awakening and would like to bring something into the world that is dear to your heart.
Partnership / Love:
Your love life is currently characterized by a strong desire. You know quite precisely what you want, and you want it immediately. You are hopefully happy and content when you get it! Your urge to conquer is so vehement that you fear it can hardly be satisfied. When your hunger for life is so strong, you do not need to worry about it.
Everyday Life / Profession:
This week begins with a beneficial Taurus Moon. You feel good in your skin - surprisingly good for a Capricorn. It looks like you will finally fulfill your own standards once again. So you can lean back and enjoy this state! You will switch into a faster gear quite soon. This is demanded by the Sun, Mars and Uranus in Aries, and supported by Saturn and Jupiter. And it will also be demanded and promoted by your family members. You see your domestic obligations as not just work but also self-realization. You like to be needed and want to feel that you belong. On Saturday, the Cancer Moon enters the repeatedly recurring critical position with regard to Uranus and Pluto. Can you still feel good when this happens?
Partnership / Love:
Venus in Taurus emphasizes your ability to enjoy. At the start of the week, the Moon in Taurus shows how important physical closeness is to you. During the Cancer Moon, which starts on Friday, you can allow much more closeness if you dare. If you do not dare, you have not lost anything yet because you are getting increasingly close to the matter on Sunday with the Leo Moon.
Everyday Life / Profession:
The Sun has reached the sign of Aries, which makes pioneering feats possible. The connection of the Sun with Saturn hints that the wheel does not need to be invented anew but just used in a different way. Mars has prepared this field well so that some things seem to go automatically now. Your communicative abilities are addressed during the Gemini Moon (Wednesday/Thursday). Since Mercury has just reached Chiron, you will hopefully become aware of these abilities and use them in a skillful way. This is a week in which you can turn a weakness into strength by standing up for a presumed weakness or addressing a weak point. On Sunday, you will be rewarded for your behavior and perseverance or endurance.
Partnership / Love:
Venus in Taurus continues to plead for bringing some calmness to your personal relationships and is supported by the Moon in Taurus at the start of the week. If you are in the fortunate situation of not having to leave your home, you will now make yourself comfortable! The partner should understand this as an invitation - but does he/she get this? Allow of him/her a bit of time.
Everyday Life / Profession:
If you achieved a goal last week, you will now hold onto and defend it. You are once again experiencing that you are behaving completely differently than before - namely, much more decisively. If you are a bit inhibited during these days, the people around you may perceive your hesitation or reserve as prudence. And who knows, perhaps you are actually more prudent than you believe? Jupiter in Leo would like to strengthen your trust in your own strength and individuality during this year. This must be practiced anew every day. Once again, a journal that allows you to record everything in precise details would be very helpful. Assessing your progress on a regular basis should become a ritual for you.
Partnership / Love:
Venus in Taurus indicates that you have no desire for little games at the moment. Partners need a clear acknowledgement of each other because life is already complicated enough. Should your love life also be somewhat complicated, you should take a good look at yourself. You have been unpredictable recently. This has fascinated your partner, but also irritated him/her.

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