Spending goes on the rise sharply, especially for repairs and maintenance of house/home, appliances and vehicles the 23rd to 25th. You may find legal expenses or hassles for a small cross section of you in the 26th to 28th or 'not at all'. There does appear to be some kind of 'change' wrought within the family due to finance but it could just as easily be a 'good thing' for some of you and a challenging thing for others of you.
This is an excellent week for romantic love, especially for singles who show tons of 'windows' where hot new prospects can FORM and then 'take off like a fire in a match factory'. Upgrades and 'new phases' for paired Rams are also likely, especially the 24th and 26th to 28th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Be a little 'me, my, selfish and I' this week and find some 'quality time' to spend with valuable pals OR, those you have been 'way out of touch with' for FAR too long! Enjoyable pursuits appear to be music the 23/24th, art, collecting and doing things that 'take two' the 25/26th and sharing family events the 27th to 1st.
Costing you money the 23/24th with 'more going out than coming in' may be things like travel, supplies, permits, legal expenses 'paper work' fees or investments and returning that with 'more coming in than going out' is reflected in the 25/26th, leaving the 27th as a good 'clear your plate' day and one maintaining a 'good balance' of not more or less going in or out.
Costly the early part of the week and then relieved quickly after the 24th.
Yes, spend, spend and MORE spending the 23rd to 26th is VERY likely and there are a plethora of things to spend it on! Keep elective spending down until the 24th or into the 25th so you can be sure you are not 'adding insult to injury' after shelling out on 'wants' and then getting hit with 'needs'.
Romance forms solidly this week and matches MADE the 23rd to 26th have good 'longevity' very promising long and short range success and 'going through the stage fast' to the point of possibly scaring a few of you! Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, Libra andAries make excellent candidates. Paired Bulls tend to argue over money near both the 23/24th and again the 1st. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Bulls never have enough friends and they always want more. WHY we seem to think that spending money 'having a good time' is the BEST way to secure that friendship, I don't know, but it seems we are ALL guilty of it at one time or another, even AFTER we age. Then there are those of us who wish to 'express' our THANKS or to let others know how deeply we appreciate them 'for no reason at all' and then we overwhelm them or get them thinking "what's this for? What does this mean? How can I replay such a gesture?"
You may make some really 'savvy moves' the 23/24th that profit you way into the 25th through a variety of ways. Be sure to check the 'bottom line, fine print' and watch for 'extra expenses or strings' attached the 26/27th so you can avoid cost to your wallet, time budget OR worse yet, reputation.
Sound and reliable
Get your plate as CLEAR as you can the 23rd because your stars show a STRING of needs, events, dashing offs, and bevy of 'hive activity' the 24th to 27th and you may easy hit 'exhausted' or worse yet, BROKE by the 28th! Try to keep things balanced and 'moderate' and talk about them first so you can decide what is 'pressing need' and what can wait. Travel 'as a family' group or 'a whole' is likely the 27th to 1st.
Romantic love shows some 'ups and downs' the 24th to 27th and it can throw you off balance quickly, especially IF a partner 'gets the wrong message' reads the wrong thing INTO it or worse yet, twists or scrambles what is 'truly meant'. Be clear and succinct, especially with signs like Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra andAquarius, who are currently prone to 'take things the wrong way'. You may be guilty of it yourself. It is an excellent week for singles ALL week long! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Hang out with pals, go everywhere and do everything you can afford to do, since your stars show profit, romance, new friends, inside info and other 'goodies' arise from contact and 'mixers' with others. It's a great week for 'mining'.
Things may move VERY FAST this week and you could be in a small scramble near the 24/25th for financing and the 26/27th with communications, paperwork or 'fine details' and in both cases you need to realize that distractions FROM 'dizzy-busy' are VERY likely. Stay 'in body' and double check often.
Up and down but mostly UP...
Spending to repair, replace or upgrade the 23rd is VERY likely, especially if you have aTaurus, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn or Virgo spouse. There is also a trend in your stars for the desire for 'big ticket items' which appear VERY tempting to you this week and if you can afford it and the 'over time' payments do NOT carry WAY too much interest, it may be reasonable to beef up your family life by getting some HUGE goodie that keeps them 'united and at home'.
This is a very successful week in romance for the Crab since Pisces energy tends to bring successful accomplishments and 'lay them at your feet'. Speaking of Pisces;Pisces, Virgo, Aries and Libra are PRIME success stories for the Crab this week with 'good returns and long running success'. Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are also great for 'quick fixes' if you get my drift! Paired Crabs need to 'forget woes' and go out and have some FUN TOGETHER!!! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Make your spouse your 'best friend' this week if you are paired off at ALL and you'll have a very successful week no matter WHAT you end up doing! New friends ARE indicated near the 27th to 1st and they can provide a 'fast road in' to just about any need you have!
It may take money and LOTS of it to do all the things you have 'on your plate' the 23rd to 25th and you appear to pull it all off, but come right down to the wire and your 'last few pennies' doing it!! Living out the week on 'pocket change' and whatever you can scrape from your dresser drawers or bum from the family piggy-bank is possible for a small cross section of you. AVOID living, borrowing or trading on 'next week's money' if you can help it. Hearing "I'll have it after the 1st" may be a real turn off and tarnish your image.
Easier than expected; better too!
Domestic spending the 27th to 1st and lots of it for everything 'from soup to nuts' inside and out, particularly anything to deal with 'water' the flow of it and the supply, appears possible for a cross section of Lions this week. For most of you, it will be 'kept low' in terms of time, money and inconvenience. It appears to be later July Lions and any from '55 '63 '71 and '87 that may have to pay more than a 'token' and be pushed into the 'almost have to borrow it' category.
Romantic love does very well for BOTH paired and single Lions with choices littering the week for upgrades, closer ties, new beginning, hot prospects, long term success and even 'just enough to get me through' encounters what satisfy needier parts of the ego, psyche or the 'body'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Pals may be in need of cash or 'co signing' help the 23/24th, items, vehicles and 'an extra pair of hands' the 25th to 27th and a 'really good pair of ears' to help them get through some 'tough time' the 28/1st. Talk them down, show them 'a choice of paths' but do not 'walk them through it'.
Someone may attempt to 'stone wall you' the 23rd into 24th but the 'right information' can not only 'set you FREE' it can 'turn the tables' and put you in 'the cat bird's seat' this week, carrying you ALL the way to the 28th. Extra income is possible the 26th and may come from very 'unorthodox' sources but pull all available 'extras' together and do what you have been pushing on since about Jan 20th.
Challenging the 23rd and then improving 'with each day' thereafter until the 27th is over.
You may have to invest a great deal of time, effort, heart and soul, emotion, intellect or even money the 23rd into 24th but it appears to be a 'total necessity' that cannot be avoided, NOR should it, especially if you are dealing with youth, who are lost, on 'verge' of taking the WRONG direction or getting the 'wrong idea' on life and its meanings or responsibilities, particularly IF they happen to be Pisces, Gemini, Virgo,Sagittarius, Aries or Libra. For those of you who encounter this MOST important of life's duties; the rest of the week is a cake walk. The balance of you may find the week to be enjoyable, productive and cooperative.
Some of you who have a history of 'being picky' may encounter a HUGE 'life lesson' on or near the 24th or from the events of it. This applies to paired or single Virgos. For the rest of you: Several encouraging encounters may give either single or pairedVirgos the 'confidence' to push further, push for more out of a mate or push to get more out of themselves! Shyer Virgos start to get REAL brave! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
There is nothing like a pal to give you a real 'locker room pep talk' and there WILL beVirgos among you this week seeking big prizes like choice job positions, profitable opportunities or previously 'non approachable' love interests who intimidated you in the past. Pick the right pal and 'grow a pair'.
What you want to avoid is one nasty 'bitch-slap' of a life's lesson near the 23rd, as about mid day, a small cross section of you could 'fall short of a goal' just because you don't have 'enough numbers' backers or the right permits, legal papers or etc. Having to 'shell out' at the last minute to keep money, time, effort or sensitive info' afloat, is very likely to 'manifest' in ODD ways. The rest of your week appears to be filled with a 'string of details and fine work'.
Easily frightened about debt and slightly blind-sided by 'need'.
Harmony runs smoothly this week and trickles into every corner of family life. Others seem more cooperative and likely to try and 'give you what they know you treasure most'. There appear to be some errands the 25th to 27th where you go 'above and beyond' and a timely 'life lesson' the 24th that you learn and grow from but at the end of the week the 27th to 1st, you'll have plenty of reason to 'celebrate' with family.
Love does VERY well this week and appears to be far more cooperative than it MAY have been in the past. Scales who have 'seen little to NO activity' may now have 'multiples of candidates' and go from 0 to 2, 4, or 6 choices. Paired Libras really talk things out well with only the 23/24th as a 'threat' over money. IF things get heated, shelve the issue and revisit it later. There is sadly a small amount of 'termination energy' for some Scales but it would HAVE to be in a relationship that has been 'faltering badly lately anyway'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Accept the help of a pal if they want to keep you company or 'hold your hand' for any number of reasons. It is just possible that in offering it to YOU, they really are saying "I NEED it." Check closely and 'question' IF offers like this are made. It may be that they are 'fishing' for someone in the same boat!
Most of your early week is 'humming along nicely' with not only rewarding work and profit but cooperation and 'learning by leaps and bounds'. Those of you trying to 'cram a large amount of new info or training' into your brains may start to feel the 23rd to 25th that it is ALL 'finally coming together'. IT is also possible unemployed Scales find employment that DOES 'bring it all together'. Some of you may have to travel or run errands for work near the 26/27th.
Profit through 'life lessons'.
Keep discussions very calm the 23rd and do not let them escalate as if they START to; back off and drop it right on the spot. Avoid discussions over money with spouse, especially if they are Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius or Gemini. Virgo,Pisces, Aquarius, Aries and Leo tend to 'worry more' over money and often fear for them, takes the form of controversy. Decisions, and lots of them, may have to be made the 25th to 27th and it would be wise to 'gather info on several options' before setting anything in stone, much less, spending!
Love energy starts to migrate AWAY from the more lusty, sexual overtones it has enjoyed lately and now seems to be more in the mood for 'getting down to brass tacks' and depending upon the sign you are paired to, they can even appear 'aggressive' to you. This same energy is likely in singles who are 'looking' and finding too many candidates that seem 'pushy' spoiled or just 'crazy'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Spending time with pals seems like a really good idea this week in the form of ANY events, shared hobbies, common goals or passions and just 'having fun' doing what you love. Broaden your circle if you feel it needs it by suggesting each of you bring 'another person' who ALSO likes to pursue the same things you all do.
One 'giant step forward' is very likely the 23/24th and appears FILLED with both profit potential and very HIGH rates of cooperation, even from those who typically LIKE to 'stand in your way'. Any personalities accustomed to 'giving you a hard time' in the form of competition, chiding or harassment under the guise of 'humor' may find things 'come back around to bite them in the butt' this week. Many things appear to 'come down to you via word of mouth' and while most of it is gossip, almost ALL of it is reliable!
Surprising and good
Get as much done the 23rd and 24th as you can since your stars show both down time in the form of minor illness/injury AND several distractions, duties and responsibilities the 25th to 27th and you may have long, weary days. Spending to 'solve' goes on the rise big time near the 25/26th especially for domestic needs or upgrades that can NOT be avoided and anything that has to do with 'water' could be the culprit.
Romantic love does very well and most of you who are single may find 'more than one interesting candidate' and you will NEED to remember to handle things very carefully so you make no mistakes, use the wrong name or mix up times and dates. There is a TINY and I mean 'tiny' cross section of you who MAY find the 'threat of termination' near the 25th into late 26th and it would have to be a status that was 'already suffering badly and for some time now'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
IF you happen to be in that TINY cross section; run all things by a good pal first, organize your thinking and if you feel there is ANY 'threat level' of a 'bad reaction' make sure you choose the right pal to be 'with you' as flying it alone may be UNWISE at this time. The rest of you: this is a great week to introduce pals to pals and get them familiar with hobbies, sports and activities you share in common with other pals.
Clear your plate the 23rd as your stars show huge opportunities and possibly unreasonable assignments may be 'heaped upon you' the 24th to 26th and you can outsmart them ALL. There may be a lot of 'back and forth' communications, possibly via traveling or double checking. Some of it may even take the form of 'heavy negotiations' but don't give up and keep the 'full court press' on until March 2nd or 3rd.
Big promises but it is YOU that makes sure they are 'kept'. Excellent potential in the 24th to 27th especially for 'new money' and employment.
Fear of 'cost' the 23rd may lead to an even bigger mistake as IF something in the house or family unit NEEDS repaired, serviced, upgraded or bought, and you FAIL to do so because you 'penny pinch' you may find you either regret it later OR, it costs you more in 'other ways' than money. Some of you may have a real 'life lesson' of some kind, most likely about 'personal relationships and love' near the 24th and it appears both FAST and 'intense' if you hit this one. Enjoyable gatherings are indicated for a reasonable cross section of you near the 27th to 1st but many of you may 'not feel up to it' due to some level of fatigue, minor illness or injury; so just push past it and enjoy yourself!
Hesitation in love is typical this week and a very few of you may find the hesitation comes at a cost, especially near the 23rd to 25th or from the events of it, with a 'target day' of the 24th, especially if you are paired to Aries, Taurus, Libra orSagittarius. Except for Taurus, these are unusual matches for you. Single Sea Goats find cooperation this week and a low level of 'stress' from 'taking a chance'. Another excellent day for upgrades or for singles is the 28th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
You always hesitate to ask for help from a pal. You are not supposed to hesitate in romantic pursuits and even in career it appears best to jump in and fix things quickly but if you hesitate with a pal, you may really regret it later, especially if you find they were in a crisis mode or 'hour of deepest need'.
Financial 'short falls' if you are going to HAVE them, appear to hit in early on the 23rd and give you all that day and most of the next to solve and it is appearing that almost 100% of you are able to. Those of you born January 18th to 20th may have a harder time, along with Sea Goats born on the other end near December 21st to 23rd. Then there are ALL Caps born in 1955, 1963, 1971 '73 and 87 that may fall into that group as well. You may take until the 27th to 2nd of March before having any 'shortages' cover totally. While shortages tend to more likely be financial, they can also be 'material/s' legal documents or 'permission/s'.
Needs strong attention to 'set up and structure' the 23/24th, focus on details the 25/26th and a lot of 'follow through' the 27th to 1st with NO ROOM for 'sob stories'.
Cooperation is very spotty the 23/24th and it may even annoy you to some level, especially if youth are involved. Another thing that may really 'tick you off' is foolish behavior, disrespect for material items or being 'too old' for the level of mistakes made, particularly if you are dealing with 'young adults' 18 to 24. It may easily 'send you over the edge' for a while. Listen to a spouse and immediately 'calm down' if you do hit this one. Travel, lots of talking for some reason and plenty of 'visitors' some unexpected, appear likely for the 25th to 28th.
Romantic love does very well this week for BOTH single and paired Totters with upgrades very likely and most topics received quite well, giving quick fixes where you both end the discussion feeling really good about EVERYTHING. Emotions go on the rise again the 28th and controlling them would be wise, especially later in the day. Singles find plenty of candidates and ALL of them appear 'workable' and have 'good length and promising' status. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
For a PAL... you'll do a lot. For a friend, you'll do plenty and then some but for a 'dear friend' you'll travel to the ends of the earth and back again, making one sacrifice after another. BUT.. if you find yourself 'mid sacrifice' and it feels 'uncomfortable' and you 'suddenly awaken to awareness' that you may have been 'asked or expected a GREAT deal of'... it is never too late to 'trim your generosity'.
Cooperation appears SLIM the 23rd and improves the 24th. Then on the 25th, you may find ONLY 'mid day issues' are really the ones to worry about and even THOSE appear to be gone by or before 'end of business hours' the 25th. An excellent surprise or 'move' on the part of another may 'open a door' you thought closed to you the 26th. Meeting that day, also tend to 'favor you' in a variety of ways, especially through praise or recommendations from power people. Be friendly but guarded the 27th.
Not as challenging as they may be the 23/24th and vast improvements 'with each day' especially the 26th.
This can be one of THE most productive and progressive weeks you have HAD since late last summer! The 23/24th are FILLED with financial problem solving goodies and even unexpected income potential. The family 'as a whole' is cooperative, excellent at communications and highly supportive, especially the 17th to 1st. Several errands and accomplishments appear likely the 26/27th.
Romance hold very HIGH potential this week, particularly near the 24th, when it all seems like 'magic' the 25th, which may be a sort of a 'One day world all on its own' and the 26th and 1st when spiritual upgrades and 'power assists' are very likely. This is great for BOTH single and paired Fish and moreover, there doesn't appear to be a tear in the house for the VAST majority of you! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Celebrating with pals, last minute gatherings, last minute invitations and serendipitous encounters any or all appear likely this week, especially near those 'magic days' like the 24th and 26th and 1st. Having a pal 'pay back' a loan, favor or 'piece of good karma' seems very likely this week, also!
Here is where you can REALLY shine. Fish who have been fearful of 'taking a chance' or rolling the dice may find 'almost unbelievable support' possibly invitations to upgrade or become employed and some of the best 'luck' they have had for months and MONTHS! IF you have had a lot of 'dues' coming to you, they easily flow through to you THIS week and unexpected benefits come right along with them. Even things you 'thought were lost for good' can cycle back around.
Excellent to almost 'unbelievable'.