Monday, October 29, 2012

Libra 2013 horoscope

Libra 2013 horoscope is full of valuable lessons about relationships. This is your natural field of focus, this 2013 year of the black Snake Libra sees itself through the eyes of others. This can be confusing in many ways as you can easily lose yourself in your relationships- unsure if you are you, or simply what others see you as, a projection. This 2013 year you will learn the discipline necessary to stand firmly in your own unique essence. 

Saturn is a major player for you this 2013 year of Snake. Saturn is the planet that helps us learn through experience. When Saturn is active we learn to take responsibility for our lives. Saturn is the great teacher, a firm hand to remind us that we have to work for what we want- there are no free rides. Jupiter would disagree, but its Saturn that is active in Libra 2013 horoscope, conjunct Venus, which means Saturn and Venus are sharing the same space in the 2013 sky. Exerting influence upon each other. Venus happens to be your ruling planet, concerned with ease, beauty and pleasure, often above all else. It can cause a tendency towards the superficial, like a love of shopping for pretty things. Many a Libra are beautiful, artistic and refined. Saturn is here to teach you a thing or two, and it may not be an easy lesson. Don't be surprised if in 2013 year of the Snake you feel burdened by your relationships, or worse totally abandoned in some way. When in 2013 horoscope Saturn and Venus combine there can be a feeling of being unloved. Loneliness can often result as well. A big black lonely hole that can't seem to be filled. If you can sit with these feelings without escaping into fine wine and rich meals or luxury items to distract yourself. Saturn will teach you to stand on your own two feet. Breath into the lonely unloved parts of yourself and just feel for a while. Often all we need to do to release these hard to handle emotions is allow them, observe them. Write about how you feel, express yourself in whatever way possible. 

The North Node shows us what we need to do to evolve, to move onward and upward on our evolutionary journey. It too, is occupying space with Saturn and Venus, assuring us that these possibly difficult lessons in relationships are a part of the journey for you this 2013 year. If you are feeling burdened buy your loved ones try to find a way to balance things out. Balance is essential to a happy, harmonious relationship of any kind. Harmony and balance are what Libra is always seeking, your higher calling so-to-speak. You may find yourself digging deeper into things than you usually find comfortable. It can be dark down there, under the surface, but you need to find the truth of the matter now. The truth will set you free. So be brave and curious now. The Universe is assisting you in finding missing pieces. You need to understand why things as they are. Be willing to get into it. You will surface with answers to long forgotten questions. This will help bring things into balance. Harmony will result. 

Anyhow Libra will have a good amount of energy to deal with whatever comes up for you this 2013 year of the black Snake. Uranus, Planet of sudden change, in Libra 2013 horoscope will be activating new situations for you. You will most certainly get out of any comfortable ruts. This is good. It's growth. You are transforming, becoming who you always intended to be and this requires deep and powerful change on your part. Each new realization of 2013 year brings you closer. You may meet people who help guide you through this process, form alliance with positive forces, upwardly mobile happy people. This will insure your success. Surround yourself with people you admire and be willing to let go of relationships that bring you down. You don't need to hand hold any complaining victims, no matter how long you have been doing this. Graciously let go of the sad sacks. You are often the reflector so make sure you are reflecting healthy happy individuals this year. You have come to this planet to achieve peace. Let this be your Mantra "I choose Peace," say it as often as possible and soon enough you will be surrounded with beauty and positive people.

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